The 2nd Italian Conference on Computational Psychiatry will be held in Parma on November 28th and 29th, 2024. We are committed to keeping the conference open and accessible to anyone interested in exploring the potential applications of computational methods to
PHD Opportunity in Cognitive-Computational Psychology @Queen Mary University of London
There is an exciting opportunity to pursue a funded PhD with Dr. Rani Moran at Queen Mary University of London, starting in January 2025. The PhD will focus on using reinforcement learning to study how we update our beliefs in
Assistant or Associate Professor Position, Computational Psychology or Computational Neuroscience Department of Psychology, University of Maryland, College Park
The Department of Psychology at the University of Maryland invites applications for a tenure-track position at the rank of Assistant or Associate Professor in computational psychology, computational cognitive science, or computational neuroscience. We seek individuals with expertise in mathematical or
Postdoctoral Fellow @Carney Institute for Brain Science at Brown University
The Carney Institute for Brain Science at Brown University is seeking Postdoctoral Fellows to join the NIMH funded T32 Training Program in Computational Psychiatry. The programs goal is to train research fellows with expertise in computational cognitive and systems neuroscience,
The Vaghi Lab is looking for a Research Assistant at Birkbeck, University of London. This role is part of an MRC Career Development Award project led by Dr Matilde Vaghi, focusing on ‘Precision Psychiatry for Compulsivity’. This is an excellent
RA RELMED study @UCL Division of Psychiatry
About The Role We are looking for one Research Assistant for the RELMED project, which is a Wellcome-Trust funded research project which aims to understand which computational (reinforcement learning) mechanisms are engaged by different antidepressant treatments. RELMED is a unique
Open PhD positions: Neural mechanisms of (mal)adaptive approach and avoidance @University of Würzburg
The DFG-funded Research Training Group 2660 on the Neural mechanisms of (mal)adaptive approach and avoidance behaviour invites excellent young scientists to apply for one of 13 open Ph.D. positions starting from November 2024. We are seeking highly qualified students holding
Postdoctoral position @ Stress Neuroimaging Lab (SNL) at UCSD
Postdoctoral position in computational modeling and data science at the Stress Neuroimaging Lab (SNL) at UCSD The Stress Neuroimaging Lab (SNL; PIs: Alan Simmons, PhD and Katia Harlé, PhD) is recruiting a postdoctoral fellow to join the lab. Research in
Postdoc and PhD student positions – Cai Lab @ University of Miami
The lab led by Mingbo Cai at the Department of Psychology, University of Miami, seeks a talented cognitive neuroscientist or AI researcher to join as a postdoctoral associate in the beautiful Miami of USA! The primary focus of this position
Post Doctoral Fellow – Department of Psychology Emory University
The Translational Lab (PI: Pete Hitchcock) in the Department of Psychology at Emory University is recruiting a postdoctoral fellow. The lab mission is to understand when and why decision-making goes awry in depression and anxiety disorders and to develop potent