We are excited to announce our in-person workshop ???Monitoring and controlling ourselves and our world: computations of metacognition and agency in mental health??? taking place at the UCL Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience on the 28th of July. This ESRC funded workshop will bring together researchers from both computational and mental health fields and aims to generate discussion surrounding metacognition, agency, decision-making and learning within mental health.
We have an exciting list of speakers and a keynote talk from Professor Yael Niv.
* Bastien Blain, UCL Department of Experimental Psychology (PALS)
* Mike Browning, Department of Psychiatry, Oxford University
* Lora Capobianco, University of Manchester
* Catherine Culot, Université Libre de Bruxelles
* Celine Fox, Psychology Department, Trinity College Dublin
* Quentin Huys, UCL Max Planck Centre for Computational and Ageing Research
* Yael Niv, Princeton Neuroscience Institute and Psychology Department
* Marion Rouault, Department of Cognitive Studies, Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris
* Tricia Seow, UCL Max Planck Centre for Computational and Ageing Research
* Matilde Vaghi, Department of Psychology, Stanford University
To register (for free) and for the full programme please see our Eventbrite