Computational psychiatry is an emerging field built on recent developments in machine learning, computational and systems neuroscience, which promises to construct computational models of brain and behavior to help prevention, diagnosis and treatment of psychiatric disorders. The symposium will focus on exchanging the latest ideas and observations on the computational and neural mechanisms of learning and decision making in the healthy populations and patients

Confirmed speakers:

  • Peter Dayan (Gatsby Computational Neuroscience Unit, UCL)
  • Nathaniel Daw (Princeton University)
  • Markus Ullsperger (Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg)
  • Jill O’Reilly (University of Oxford)
  • Jean Daunizeau (Brain and Spine Institute)
  • Louk Vanderschuren (Utrecht University)
  • Hanneke den Ouden (Donders Institute)
  • Jennifer Cook (University of Birmingham)



Date                Wednesday 30 November 2016 until Thursday 1 December 2016

Location        Donders Centre for Cogntive Neuroimaging, Kapittelweg 29, Nijmegen

Organiser(s) Payam Piray, Roshan Cools, Ivan Toni 

Contact           Tildie Stijns,

Free entrance, but please register


Nijmegen Computational Psychiatry Symposium