We are delighted to announce postdoctoral positions available at the UCL Applied Computational Psychiatry Lab (www.acplab.org, PI Quentin Huys).

The RELMED project is an exciting computational psychiatry study that will combine cutting-edge computational methods with two large three-arm randomized clinical trials to test whether different antidepressants treat depression via different reinforcement learning mechanisms.

The main outcomes are behaviour and EEG. So we are seeking experts in EITHER cognitive/RL task design and analysis, OR design and analysis of RL tasks for EEG. This will be a team, open-science effort, extensively involving lived experience experts and the wider research community.

Researchers will work with a broad array of expert PIs including including Michael Browning (Oxford), Ray Dolan (UCL), David Kessler (Bristol), Neil Nixon (Nottingham), Richard Morriss (Nottingham), Stuart Watson (Newcastle) and Nicola Wiles (Bristol), and an extensive network of collaborators including Isabel Berwian (Princeton), Roshan Cools (Donders), Peter Dayan (Max Planck Tuebingen), Michael Frank (Brown), Nathaniel Daw (Princeton), Catherine Harmer (Oxford), Rob Howard (UCL), Yael Niv (Princeton), Diego Pizzagalli (Harvard), Argyris Stringaris (UCL) and others.

The positions should be excellent career opportunities, with outstanding networking possibilities, the ability to gain experience across clinical, lived-experience, computational, pharmacological, neuroimaging and open-science domains, and to answer societally important questions

The Applied Computational Psychiatry lab is situated within the UCL Max Planck Centre for Computational Psychiatry and Ageing Research and the Division of Psychiatry at UCL.

Official job advertisement is here:

Postdoctoral positions in computational psychiatry @UCL