Clinical Research Fellow
Centre for Neuropsychopharmacology, Division of Brain Sciences, Department of Medicine
Salary £31,838 – £35,952 per annum (plus £1,505 London Allowance)
Hammersmith Campus
This Clinical Research Fellow post is to support a clinician committed to a career in addiction in the UK to undertake a PhD at the Centre for Neuropsychopharmacology, Imperial College London. The PhD will be supervised by Professor Anne Lingford-Hughes together as well as others, as appropriate, within Imperial College. The PhD is co-funded by the EPSRC and the NIHR Imperial Biomedical Research Centre (BRC). The post is part of a recently funded MRC Addiction Research Clinical (MARC) training programme which is led by Professor Anne Lingford-Hughes, Imperial College London and is a consortium also involving King’s College London (KCL; lead by Professor Colin Drummond) and University of Bristol (UoB; lead by Professor Matt Hickman).
The successful candidate will become skilled in the use of neuroimaging (eg. MR, PET) to investigate the neurobiology of substance abuse and addiction. The Centre for Neuropsychopharmacology has a range of ongoing and completed studies providing a wealth of neuroimaging data (PET, fMRI, DTI, rsMRI, phMRI) for analysis. The post will also give the clinical research fellow access to the opportunities within the UK’s largest medical school, its Clinical Academic Training Office as well as the national MARC training programme.
Contact details: Prof Anne Lingford-Hughes, Professor of Addiction Biology and Consultant Psychiatrist. E-mail: