CBT has the largest evidence base to support its efficacy in the treatment and prevention of depression. However, most of its trials have offered CBT as a package and so-called dismantling studies have been unable to estimate specific efficacy of its various components. We have been trying to solve this question through (i) individual participant data component network meta-analysis (IPD cNMA) and (ii) large-scale factorial trials. In addition, we are trying to explore effect modifiers among patient baseline characteristics for each CBT skill to enable individualized matching between patients and skills.

In this talk I will present the results of my research so far (mainly based on the two papers below) in 40 minutes, then in the remaining 20 minutes I would very much appreciate your expert thoughts, ideas and SUGGESTIONS FOR POTENTIAL EFFECT MODIFIERS for iCBT. I must admit that search for effect modifiers in psychotherapies and pharmacotherapies for depression has been largely unsuccessful and I am expecting some theoretically-derived new tests may turn out to be informative.

Toshi A. Furukawa, MD, PhD
Kyoto University

Toshi Furukawa – Dismantling and personalizing iCBT: component NMA and factorial trials